Friday, August 1, 2014


Wikileaks.Wikileaks. Throw your face with mud.
Why did you silence. You have despised.
Wikileaks. The Neo-colonialism of Neo-capitalism.
Posterity global loan sharks.Do we still without power?

Wikileaks. They come from the planet?
The fugitive, shame-faced asylum seekers.
Why Mr. Wikileaks, dared to insult us?
Because we are weak and silent.

What we're still without power?

Diplomacy. Frozen in political discourse.
The politics of who? Political Space Wikileaks?
You sure, Wikileaks is always right?
No politicking behind the desk?

What we're still without power?

Mr. Abbot did not answer the question Mr. SBY.
SBY is Indonesia. That means us.
What we want to be in a Bilateral?
If shame is in throw to your face.

What we're still without power?

Me, you and me again.
Is Indonesia. They said one.
Where is the unity we are?.
Stop the insult to Indonesia.

Do you dare to tell the truth?
What we're still silent with no power?