Friday, May 22, 2015


How to make a WhatsApp MOD in steps -.
Made by Tycho Regter 
Step 1.
At first you need to copy the apktool map (its in the tutorial ZIP) to the C: drive so go back to C:\ in your computer and paste the apktool file 
Step 2.
Download the newest WhatsApp apk from or from apkmirror 
Step 3.
Copy that apk to the apktool folder in the C drive and rename it to whatsapps.apk (yes this is important) 
Step 4.
Go to the apktool folder and hold shift while clicking the right mouse button 
Step 5.
Now you see a window, you have to click on open command prompt here
Step 6.
now typ the next command: apktool if whatsapp.apk 
Step 7.
When done typ this command: apktool d whatsapp.apk 
Step 8.
When done you have a folder in the apk folder called whatsapp this is your decompiled apk  
Step 9.
If you want to change the color you have to change the color.xml this xml is in res/values 
You need a tool to edit this files, I use notepad++, this is the best one. 
You can change the overall color if you search for: primary this is the most used color, you have to change the color with a hex code this is #ff?????? you have to change the questionmarks to the color you want (6 characters) and you have to change primary_dark for the statusbar color (you have to make this 2 tints darker than primary if you follow material design guide lines) 
If you want to change the accent color (the color of the send/mic button and some other stuff) you have to search for accent and you have to change that color code also you have to change accent_light and accent_dark to the same color 
After you've done this you have to save the files  you can find some more (difficult) changeable things at the bottom  .
Step 10.
now its time to recompile You have to go back to the apktool folder and open commands again (shift and right click, open command prompt) and this time you have to type: apktool b whatsapp  wait till its done 
Step 11.
after this is done you have to go to whatsapp/dist and copy the files in there, Ive added the files in the zip too (in dist)
Now double click sign my mod and it creates a apk called whatsapp_tutorial_by_tycho you can rename this file and copy it to your phone, now you done 
I hope you guys can make a nice mod, please share your mod in the WhatsApp MODs community so I can see your work too. 
-Tycho Regter
Some extra edit options: 
Ive added a map called emojis to the tutorial zip you can choose the type of emojis you want, Twitter or Google and open the folders and copy all emojis to whatsapp/res/drawable-hdpi 
If you want to change a icon you just have to search the png and change it to an other one (mostly in drawable-hdpi) dont forget to change the other sizes in drawable-xhdpi and drawable-xxhdpi  If you want to change the quick contact screen color you have to search for quick_contact and edit all 3 files (its the first hex color in the file) 
If you have any other quistion about changing anything you can ask in my community, most of the time I will answere it.