Sunday, April 1, 2012

Twitting Revolutions : 140 Characters at a Time

Sultan Al Qassemi introduces himself using his full name, Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi. He says, “It’s always better if you use my late father’s name, because there are so many Sultan Al Qassemis.”
The United Arab Emirates-based businessman and writer is best known for his role on Twitter, curating and sharing articles from all over the Arabic and English Web, live tweeting significant events in Egypt and beyond, sharing all the news he can find on the Arab uprisings and news emerging from the Middle East, 140 characters at a time.
His activity on Twitter has landed him on several top 100 lists of Twitter users in the Arab region, including the number one spot on Forbes Middle East’s top 100 Arab Twitter users as well as appearing in the top 10 list put together by Arabic London-based daily, Al Sharq Al Awsat, alongside a mixture of Arab politicians, royalty, activists and entertainers.
He dismisses the lists quickly and modestly. ”The lists are very subjective. It depends on who uses them. If you’re doing an Arabic list, I probably wouldn’t figure on that list because I tweet in English. I make a point of tweeting in English. It gets me a lot of criticism, but I feel there’s a market gap for tweets about the Middle East that are in English.”
Tweeting about and for Egypt                           
Despite being from the UAE, one of Sultan’s main topics of focus is Egypt, ”90% of my tweets are about Egypt, and the rest are about Saudi, and the Gulf states.”
Explaining the reasons for his choice of focus, he says, “I feel that with Egypt’s demographic and cultural weight, and Saudi Arabia with its financial and religious weight, these are two pillar states. They are the two countries that affect the rest of the Arab world. If these countries are reformed, then I feel the benefit is exponentially multiplied to regional countries in the case of Egypt, and to Gulf states in the case of Saudi. So if Egypt is a success story, then all of us are going to benefit, including people in the Gulf, in the North Africa, in the Levant.”
It’s impossible to miss Sultan’s passion for Egypt, whether on Twitter, or when speaking to him. We walked down a street in downtown Cairo, a stone’s throw away from the now infamous Tahrir, and he takes in the graffiti that has become an intrinsic part of how some activists choose to express themselves.
Walls have been erected throughout Cairo’s downtown streets, and artists have come all over the country to paint them. The most striking of these is one that paints the scene of the street, as though the wall was not there.
We don’t reach these walls because there is more than enough graffiti adorning the walls of the American University in Cairo. We stop and take a few photos. An old Egyptian man with an unruly head of white hair, wearing a pinstripe suit, walks up to us, and asks us for a minute of our time. Sultan is more than happy to stop and listen for a few minutes before we head back to a coffee shop that has witnessed the best and worst that Egypt’s uprising has had to offer.
Sultan is a writer first, before anything else. He’s been blogging, and has been active Twitter user for about 3 or 4 years. He explains the appeal that Twitter holds for him, “I felt it was complimentary to my writing. If you write an 800 word article, it will be read by a certain number of people, but the reach with social media is so much greater.”
It’s not about opinion, but that doesn’t mean it’s not personal
There is a self-imposed limitation on his tweets:
“I purposely avoid tweeting my opinion, because I’ve never felt, and still don’t feel, that I’m capable of giving an informed opinion a few minutes after an event takes place. I feel that I need to absorb the event, and then maybe three or four days later, write an op-ed about it.”
He uses Twitter instead to share articles he’s reading, and to live tweet events as they’re happening, giving the facts and nothing more. “I used to translate speeches, and it was always easier to tweet the speech rather than blog about it. It would take you maybe 15 or 20 minutes to edit the blog, and punctuate everything, and by then it’s too late. People need to know the news instantaneously, especially during the uprisings in Egypt, and throughout the region.”
The convenience of Twitter has turned it into the ultimate broadcasting tool for the journalist, and in the process, has earned him over 100,000 followers, and at least three or four replies from those followers per minute. ”Twitter was a tool that allowed me to broadcast in soundbites or in ‘text bites’.”
He goes on, “And I don’t just tweet everything I agree with. I tweet a lot of articles I don’t agree with – because I tweet my reading list. Ultimately everything I tweet are articles that I read. When I’m back home, I read four to five hours a day. That’s my job. I read. Out of the five hours, four are about Egypt.”
While it might not be about his own personal opinion, it’s still very much a personal experience. Asking Sultan what his most exhilarating and most difficult moments have been, tweeting through the Arab uprisings, both moments are firmly entrenched in the 18 days of Egypt’s movement.
“The most exhilirating moment on Twitter was when Hosni Mubarak stepped down. The most painful was Wael Ghonim’s interview [after he was released].”
Sultan doesn’t elaborate on the night that Mubarak stepped down, but chooses to focus instead on the interview with the Google Executive Wael Ghonim, who was the administrator behind the Facebook page that played a role in mobilizing protesters, the same day he was released from prison.
He says, “It was about 13 days after the uprising started, and I had a lot of emotions built up and I didn’t let any of them out, and then in the interview, they showed him photos of the martyred protesters, and he broke down, and I broke down. I remember crying for the first time since my father died. I said, I’m sorry I’m going to stop tweeting, and I did. I stopped tweeting for the next 12 hours so I could regain my composure. On a personal level, that was probably the pinnacle of my emotional attachment with Twitter.”
Citizen journalism meets The New York Times
Aside from a strong following, and earning the reputation as a credible and highly cited source, Sultan’s tweets have been the very basis of other professional journalists stories. He tells us about two examples.
“The New York Times wrote their article about Wael Ghonim based on my tweets. Time Magazine wrote their Gaddhafi exposé based on my translations. That’s when I realised that someone sitting in a small apartment in the Arab world can make a difference. His or her work can go to these huge media corporations that are 100+ years old, and can be used by these professional journalists to educate the rest of the world about what’s happening.”
Much has been said about the future of journalism and Twitter, and we’ve seen the effects, with major networks like CNN letting go of photojournalists in favour of citizen journalists. Sultan sees his own personal situation in a positive light. “For me it was ok, as long as they cited me. I liked that. As long as you were given credit for your work. I still think that people should be paid for their work as well, but in those days, we were all cheering the revolution, and weren’t thinking of ways to make money out of it.”
It all comes down to one thing, and it’s clear that as long as the story was getting out, that trumped any other concerns he may have had. He explains in one short sentence, ”I felt that it was making a difference.”
The real role of social media in the Middle East
Speaking to one of the Middle East’s most prominent social media users, it seems impossible to avoid the question, what was the real role of social media in the uprisings? Egyptians loathe the expression The Facebook Revolution, and with good cause, but that doesn’t mean that social media didn’t play some sort of role in the grassroots movement that burst out into Egypt’s streets, nor in the countries beyond, from Tunisia to the Gulf.
“It’s an enabling tool,” Sultan says.
“It allows us to find each other. It’s a very democratic tool – everyone is equal, and this is something we lack in the Gulf. So it was nice to see royalty from the Gulf and ministers and even rulers coming onto social media where people can ask them questions, and sometimes criticise them. It’s a very democratizing tool.”
Rather than focus on Egypt as an example, Sultan turns to his second favourite topic – Saudi Arabia. He refers to International Women’s Day, when Saudi women took to the streets for a different kind of protest. Instead of walk the streets of their city, these women did the one thing they are expressly forbidden from doing – they drove.
Twitter played a significant role on that day. He explains, ”Men and women in the streets in the Saudi cities, were warning the women drivers which roads to avoid while driving. They would tell them, there’s a police vehicle here or there’s a security check point there. And the women drivers had a passenger and the passenger would read the tweets, and say, ‘Don’t turn here, there’s a police officer.’ That was a great example of the community coming together to help a cause.”
Middle Eastern governments are trying to catch up
Governments in the region have had a rocky start on social media, and while some appear to continue to have a hard time with the tool, others have learned to manipulate the platform to their advantage. “They’re becoming more savvy now,” Sultan says, “But they’re also hiding behind trolls. In the Gulf, and in Syria, and other parts of the Arab world, you see regimes using a number of people who work with them. Either they sympathise with the government, or they’re employees. They go around and troll, intimidate users, they spam them. Bahrain is a great example of this.”
The trolling methods are varied – from flooding hashtags to the point where they become unusable to attacking activists online, questioning their patriotism and loyalty to their country, in what Sultan describes as an online form of McCarthyism.
“They use it to defame people, and in the Gulf recently, they use it to threaten people on social media. Sometimes the authorities say that they will arrest you.”
He cites an example when the Chief of Dubai Police told a UAE citizen on Twitter that he had a warrant for his arrest. “Does this indicate a future trend or is that an anomaly?” Sultan asks, and quickly answers his own question, “That is something we have yet to find out. It could be abused, which is worrying.”
That is not the only concern when it comes to governments and their growing awareness, and grasp, of social media. Sultan says, “I think that the legacy governments of the Arab world will probably start to wake up to the ‘dangers’ of social media and start legislating laws about its use, and we’ve seen Swaziland legislate that they’re going to enforce lese-majesty laws against insulting the leader.”
He points also to recent developments in Egypt, ”We’ve seen it over the past few weeks, with Islamist parties slowly imposing their understanding of what media should look like. Verbally in the beginning, and legislatively like we’ve seen with thebanning of pornographic websites. That’s the beginning. You can then find sites that are anti-Islamic, or seem to be promoting other ideologies like anarchy or atheism. So where do you stop? With pornography, does that mean banning anatomy, or biological websites? Or that educate you about male and female biological make up?”
Do we need a localized platform?
Sultan is quick to dismiss the idea of a localized social media platform for the Middle East. “Young Arabs are like youngsters all over the world. We are as special or as ‘unspecial’ as anybody else. I’m kind of biased towards young Arabs these days, but Twitter has been great at adapting – allowing hashtagging in Arabic in the past couple of weeks. So Twitter is adapting, but there’s much to go.”
While Twitter works out the kinks, after having added support for right-to-left languages including Arabic, there is one matter which is of far greater importance – translating Twitter’s Terms of Service into Arabic.
“Right now, very few websites have terms and conditions in Arabic,” Sultan says. “This does not allow people to know what their limitations and rights are. They don’t know that social media websites will not protect you. People assume that if governments demand your information that social media websites will not hand over the information, but the truth is that sometimes they are obliged to.”
A power Twitter user’s setup
His set up consists of two phones, three or four laptops, a TV with 2 different decoders. He’s subscribed to three or four breaking news services online, several email alert services, and is on private mailing lists.
“Twitter, obviously, is a huge resource,” and Sultan has one interesting use for his favourites. He explains, “I don’t tweet about the UAE, because it’s not as interesting, to me as Saudi Arabia or Egypt. There’s no politics. There are no political parties, but whenever there is a Human Rights Watch or Amnesty Statement, or any kind of report, I will tweet it and favourite it.”
The method hasn’t gone unnoticed by his followers, “I had someone tell me, I’ve never seen anyone favourite their own tweets, as in that it’s very arrogant of me. I explained to her that I don’t favourite them because I like what I tweet, I favourite them because I can direct people who ask me, “How come you never tweet about your country?” I tell them, go to my favourites, and you’ll see them all saved there.”
While Twitter is his social media tool of choice, Sultan is also active on Facebook, but he’s had to employ a few different tactics. “I started hiding people on Facebook – my friends. I care about them, and they’re great people, but I was so concentrated on the news, that I found myself hiding regular friends’ updates like their holidays, which also remind me of what I’m missing out on, and I read more about what other journalists post.”
I ask him, if he feels he’s missing out on a lot. Without a moment’s hesitation, he says, “This is exactly what I want to be doing. I don’t want to be doing anything else today. This takes me to other countries, and the best thing of all is that it brings me to Egypt.”

Doketisme, Minggu Palm & Always On Top Posting


Banyak sekali sahabat yang selalu ngompori dan mempertanyakan kenapa saya tidak membukukan semua tulisan saya yang telah tersebar kemana-mana. Mereka selalu menyatakan bahwa saya sudah layak disebut penulis, tetapi saya selalu menjawab dengan santun bahwa cita-cita saya sebenarnya ingin menjadi pembaca yang baik, bukan sebagai seorang penulis.
Saya selalu ingat dengan “Iqra”, dimana kewajiban kita sebagai manusia sebenarnya diminta membaca dengan baik Ayatullah yang tersebar di jagad raya ini. Bahkan seorang Muhammad-pun oleh Allah SWT di wajibkan untuk melakukan “Iqra”, bukan menulis.
Bagaimana mungkin saya beranikan diri untuk mentasbihkan diri saya ini sebagai penulis sementara seorang nabi besar sekelas Muhammad SAW hanya diwajibkan sebagai pembaca. Ada beban tersendiri dari dalam diri saya ini ketika terlalu berani menyebut diri sebagai penulis.
Terlepas dari banyak tulisan yang tersebar, sebenarnya itu hanyalah sebagai salah satu bentuk dokumentasi saya atas segala rekaman peristiwa, isi hati atau mungkin sedikit ulasan terhadap segala fenomena yang pernah saya amati. Saya bukanlah bertindak sebagai penulis, tetapi lebih tepat sebagai dokumentator atas segala impuls otak saya ketika membaca fenomena tertentu menurut pemahaman saya.
Jadi, saya bukanlah penulis, tetapi sekedar berusaha membaca dan meresapi maknanya dengan baik.

Doketisme merupakan salah satu bida’ah tentang Yesus Kristus. Bida’ah ini berkembang pada abad pertama gereja. Tidak banyak sumber, yang secara mendalam, mengupas bida’ah ini secara khusus. Bida’ah ini lebih merupakan suatu kecenderungan daripada suatu doktrin yang utuh yang menyertakan pula rumusan-rumusan ajaran yang padat berisi.
Saat ini, amat sulit untuk mengetahui kira-kira siapa tokoh utama pencetus atau pelopor dari bida’ah ini. Hal ini kembali dapat dijelaskan karena bidaah ini bukanlah suatu ajaran yang terstruktur namun lebih pada sebuah kecenderungan. Dalam tulisan inipun keingintahuan akan siapa yang menjadi pencetus awal bida’ah ini tetaplah tak terjawab.
Isi Bida’ah
Doketisme berasal dari kata Yunani dokein, dalam bahasa Inggris to appear yang berarti melihat, tampak. Bida’ah ini mengajarkan bahwa Yesus Kristus tampaknya atau kelihatannya saja sebagai manusia. Atau dengan kata lain, putra Allah hanyalah seolah-olah saja seperti manusia.
Para Doketis berkeyakinan bahwa seorang penebus ilahi (yang berasal dari Allah) tidak dapat menderita. Ketika ide doketik ini mulai meresap dalam kelompok kristiani, satu pertanyaan yang muncul adalah bagaimana dengan Yesus yang wafat di salib. Para Doketis praktisnya merujuk pada injil Markus yang sudah ada pada waktu itu. Walaupun Markus tidak pernah bermaksud agar tulisannya tentang kisah pelayanan dan penyaliban Yesus disalahmengertikan namun pendeknya dari kisah yang dia tulis membuka kesempatan bagi interpretasi yang salah dari para Doketis.
Markus memulai injilnya dengan kisah pewartaan Yohanes pembaptis sebagai persiapan bagi kedatangan Yesus. Dalam peristiwa selanjutnya, Yesus dipermandikan Yohanes Pembaptis.
Peristiwa turunnya Roh Kudus atas Yesus ketika dibaptis di sungai Yordan juga merupakan hal penting yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan para Doketis. Roh kudus itulah yang menyertai Yesus dalam karya pelayanannya. Roh itu pulalah yang memampukan Dia dalam melakukan ha-hal yang besar. Para doketis juga berpendapat bahwa selama penderitaan di salib, Roh Kristus itu meninggalkan tubuh manusiawi Yesus dan kembali ke kepenuhan. Di sini dapat dilihat sekali lagi bagaimana intrepretasi yang salah itu akan mereduksi inkarnasi menjadi kehadiran temporal.
Dalam beberapa bentuk, Doketisme berkeyakinan bahwa Yesus Kristus melepaskan diri (baca: melarikan diri) dari kematian yang memalukan, misalnya menukar tempat kematian dengan Yudas Iskariot atau Simon dari Kirene, pada saat-saat terakhir sebelum drama penyaliban.
Sebenarnya dalam Injil pun sudah muncul tulisan-tulisan peringatan terhadap kecendrungan Doketisme, misalnya I Yohanes 4:1-3: “saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, janganlah percaya akan setiap roh, tetapi ujilah roh-roh itu, apakah mereka berasal dari Allah; sebab banyak nabi-nabi palsu yang telah muncul dan pergi ke seluruh dunia. Demikianlah kita mengenal Roh Allah: setiap roh yang mengaku, bahwa Yesus Kristus telah datang sebagai manusia, berasal dari Allah, dan setiap roh , yang tidak mengaku Yesus, tidak berasal dari Allah. Roh itu adalah roh antikristus dan tentang dia telah kamu dengar, bahwa ia akan datang dan sekarang ini ia sudah di dalam dunia.” Teks dapat dijadikan salah satu petunjuk bahwa Doketisme ini bahkan sudah ada sejak jaman para rasul.
Tokoh Pembela Ajaran Gereja
Ada beberapa tokoh dalam gereja yang menentang bida’ah ini. Diantaranya yang terkenal adalah Ignatius dari Antiokhia. Uskup Antiokhia ini menentang dengan tegas bida’ah ini. Hal ini nampak dalam tulisan-tulisannya. Salah satunya adalah bahwa dalam perjalanannya -sebagai tawanan- menuju Roma, ia dengan semangat banyak menulis surat kepada gereja-gereja di Efesus, Magnesia, Tralles, Roma, Philadelphia , dan Smyirna. Tulisannya berisikan pergulatannya menentang Doketisme di Antiokhia.
Doketisme adalah suatu bida’ah yang muncul pada abad pertama gereja yang mengajarkan bahwa Yesus kristus hanya kelihatannya atau tampaknya saja sebagai manusia. Kita dapat merumuskan kecendrungan itu dengan menyatakan bahwa bagi mereka kemanusiaan (humanitas) dan penderitaan (passio) yang dimiliki dan dialami oleh Yesus Kristus ketika Ia masih hidup di dunia ini hanya sebagai tampaknya dan tidak pertama-tama sebagai kenyataan yang sesungguhnya terjadi demikian.

Kabbalah : Aleph Vav Mem

Kabbalah berasal dari akar kata Ibrani yang bersumber dari sistem (okultisme rahasia) esoteris interpretasi dari Kitab Suci. Hal ini juga dianggap sebagai ajaran lisan rahasia dengan campuran ajaran Yahudi, okultisme, Gnostisisme, dan Neoplatonisme. Yahudi Kabbalah menggunakan numerologi untuk menafsirkan pesan Alkitab.
Kabbalah memusatkan perhatian mistisisme Yahudi terhadap sifat ketuhanan, penciptaan, awal jiwa dan nasib, dan tempat manusia di dunia ini. Hal ini dianggap sebuah esoteris dari agama Yahudi karena mengajarkan meditasi, loyalitas, dan perangkat mistis tambahan.
Versi non-Yahudi Kabbalah disebut Kabbalah Hermetik. Selama berabad-abad, Kabbalah Hermetik telah berkembang dalam berbagai arah dengan pengaruh dari Freemasonry, Rosikrusianisme, dan pengaruh langsung dari Kabbalah Yahudi. Filsafat terkuat dari Kabbalah adalah cita-cita humanisme religius.
Kabbalah vs Kristen vs Yahudi
Kristen menggunakan Alkitab. Yudaisme menggunakan Taurat. Kabbalah tidak memiliki kitab suci, tetapi menggunakan pesan-pesan dari Herchalat, Yetzirah, Sefer Chasidim, Malakh, Bahir, Zahar, Pardes Rimonim, Khayim Ets, dan Sulam.
Penjelasan tentang adanya kejahatan: Kristen menentukan kejahatan sebagai pemberontakan tidak taat terhadap Allah. Yudaisme memahami kejahatan sebagai tindakan pemberontakan yang sebenarnya relatif sama maknanya dengan ajaran Kristen. Filosofi utama Kabbalah  bersumber pada keyakinan bahwa kebaikan dan kejahatan berasal dari Allah.
Kristen mengajarkan bahwa Mesias datang sebagai Anak Allah (Yesus Kristus) untuk menebus manusia dari kejahatan. Yudaisme mengajarkan bahwa Mesias belum datang dan kelak akan menebus Israel. Filsafat Kabbalah meyakini bahwa pada dasarnya manusia tidak memiliki dosa,  dan karena itu, tidak ada kebutuhan dari kualitas penebusan Mesias.
Kristen dibangun pada satu Tuhan, tetapi dinyatakan dalam Tritunggal Allah Bapa, Allah Anak (Yesus Kristus), dan Allah Roh Kudus. Yudaisme percaya pada satu Allah. Kabbalah memiliki sepuluh Tuhan, yang mereka sebut emanasi.
Kabbalah – Praktek
Beberapa Kabbalahists memanfaatkan ramalan untuk memprediksi  kejadian atau mengetahui peristiwa gaib, dan beberapa diantaranya sering dilakukan dengan ramuan dan jampi-jampi tertentu. Praktis Kabbalah umumnya menggunakan pendekatan alat/media/sarana semi mistis dan ilmu sihir seperti: pembacaan psikis, papan Ouija, kartu tarot, membaca daun teh, membaca tulang , numerologi, media, panduan roh, penyaluran, mistisisme, dll. Tuhan Kabbalah umumnya saling terkait dengan dewa Yunani dan dewa Mesir.
Para selebritis dunia banyak yang menjadi Kabbalahists, seperti Madonna, Lady Gaga, Demi Moore, Ben Marcus, Rihana, Britney Spears dan masih banyak lagi. Bahkan mungkin juga banyak artis Indonesia yang sudah masuk ke aliran agama baru ini.
Pernah melihat acara di televisi yang mencoba meramal menggunakan kartu Tarot atau pembacaan nasib menggunakan media teh? Itulah sebagian mereka yang menjadi kaum Kabbalahists di Indonesia.

Pak SBY Dilarikan Ke RS Meilia Cibubur (Sambungan Post Sebelumnya)

 HEPI BESDEY, YAH........... kata si sulung..........
gw garuk-garuk kepala..........

langsung arahkan mata dan lihat 3 kata terakhir
Pagi-pagi aku sudah harus berangkat ke Alternatif Cibubur antar pesanan kue kering di blok D No. 37BB Raffles Hill. Lumayan 10 toples, nastar, kue keju, kastengel, lidah kucing dan putri salju.
Weleh-weleh dalah, lah kok ya akses ke jalan ini malah ditutup sama aparat. Ada apa ya? Tumben. Biasanya pemeriksaan dan buka tutup jalan kan hanya Senin pagi aja.
Langsung turun dari motor tanya ke tukang roti.
“Ada apa ya bang?”
“Ada keju, coklat, isi pisang, strawberi, nanas, kelapa, mesis, dll dll, mas”
“Heh, dodol............, gw nanya kenapa tau-tau jalan ditutup. Gw kan mau ke Raffles Hill antar ini kue kering”
“Mas ini kalo ngomong asal njeplaks sih. Ngga tau kalo gw intel yak. Ni jalan ditutup soalnya pak SBY mau lewat diantar ke RS Meilia Cibubur”
“Emang Bapaknya SBY kenapa pak intel (pentium berapa pak? i7 ya?)...... sakit?”
“Jantungnya tiba-tiba kolaps”
“Ah, di tipi ngga ada beritanya tuh”
“Dasar tukang kue penjaga radar.............. ngga pernah mingser dari kursi loe. Nyusruk aja di depan lepi, mana tau perkembangan jaman”
“Lah ini lagi jalan-jalan pak intel. Betul itu pak intel, pak SBY sakit jantung?”
“Tuh kan mas kuper. Ini kan hari minggu, tanggal berapa coba? April Mop berooooo.....

Hepi Hepi Besdey, Hepi Hepi Holide

bangun tidur pada senyum semua
pasti ada maunya............
lalu si sulung ajak ke garasi.............
motornya ngadat katanya.........
pas dibuka...... tarrraaaaammmmm....
 HEPI BESDEY, YAH........... kata si sulung..........
gw garuk-garuk kepala..........